Cowhide Suede Leather Splits

Cowhide Suede Leather Splits

Our best suede splits, without pinholes or brands, for long-lasting, good-looking chaps, aprons, moccasins, guitar straps and saddle seats. Buffed to a buckskin-like suede ensuring that it is soft, supple, and has remarkable wear-ability. Luxurious close suede nap...
Pearl Apron Split Suede Leather

Pearl Apron Split Suede Leather

We produce this leather for people who are producing farrier aprons. However, this soft, durable and consistent split is also ideal for making welding & sawmill aprons as well as chafing gear for boats. They are also sometimes referred to as mule hides in the...

Leather Buying Guide

Types of Leather No other fabric can compare with the unique textures, rich colors, strength, or smell of real leather. It’s in a category all its own with different sizes, weights, types, and prices. The joy of working with real leather is all in the longevity...


Skiving We have on-site industrial skivers capable of splitting almost any leather in the warehouse to custom thicknesses on demand. Free of charge for any leather in the warehouse! Strap Cutting We are able to cut custom straps and belt blanks from most of the...